Data Collection and Surveys

JDC aims to foster and produce quality socioeconomic data and analysis to improve development policy and humanitarian response.

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Statelessness and national censuses in Central Asia

Support to census activities in Central Asia will improve the technical infrastructure of National Statistical Offices and train census enumerators on citizenship status and statelessness, and conduct public awareness campaigns of statelessness to encourage the participation of stateless people in censuses. This will be complemented with a survey on stateless persons in Tajikistan.

Refugees in Nairobi, Kenya

The World Bank and UNHCR will collaborate to produce comparative datasets on refugee and host communities in Nairobi.

Internally displaced people in the Central African Republic

Developing a new module for internally displaced people in the national Harmonized Household Living Conditions Survey, increasing the sample size of respondents in camps, building the capacity of national entities and analyzing the data.

Forced displacement in Yemen

Several complementary surveys and qualitative interviews of IDPs and communities in Yemen about their welfare, including food security, labor market activity, basic services, and related topics.

Refugees in Burundi

Evaluation of data from the 2019-2020 Burundi Socioeconomic survey jointly implemented by UNHCR and the World Bank forms the basis of a socioeconomic profile of refugees in Burundi.

Forced displacement during and after COVID-19 in Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq

The primary objective is to predict and assess changes in the socioeconomic welfare of Syrian refugees during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, to enhance national policies and assist international aid organizations. A secondary objective is to lay the foundation for further collaboration between UNHCR and World Bank teams in the region.

Venezuelans in Chile, Colombia, Peru & Ecuador

This series of related projects collects and analyzes primary data on the well-being of Venezuelans Displaced Abroad (VDAs) in separate efforts in Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, and uses a common instrument to collect data on receptivity toward VDAs among the national populations in those countries.

Displacement in Djibouti

This project aims to study mobile populations in Djibouti, including refugees, migrants, nomads and populations internally displaced populations due to climate change, and the sizeable “floating population” of long-term undocumented residents.

Refugees in rural Türkiye

A survey of approximately 6,000 Syrian workers in rural Türkiye will study their demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, migration and employment history and work preferences to inform the current situation and form the baseline of an evaluation of the effect that an agricultural work program has had on labor market outcomes, household expenditure and consumption, social cohesion and integration in host communities.