Monitoring COVID-19 Impact on Refugees in Ethiopia Report No. 2The high-frequency phone survey of refugees monitors the economic and social impact of and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic on refugees and nationals. The main objective is to inform timely and adequate...
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Integrating forcibly displaced populations into COVID-19 High Frequency Phone Surveys
Integrating forcibly displaced populations into COVID-19 High Frequency Phone Surveys Background and context The COVID-19 pandemic has torn through lives and livelihoods across the globe with alarming pace and impartiality. There is reason to believe that the most...
Compounding Misfortunes : An Update to the Study
Compounding Misfortunes : An Update to the StudyThe study Compounding Misfortunes funded by the Joint Data Center and jointly published by the World Bank and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in December 2020, represented an initial...
The globalization of refugee flows
This article analyzes the spatial distribution of refugees over the period 1987-2017, in order to ascertain whether the burden of hosting refugees falls disproportionately on neighboring countries in the developing world. The empirical analysis is based on data on...
A spatial model of internal displacement and forced migration
The authors develop a spatial model of internal and external forced migration due to conflict. Conflict is modeled as a shock in a particular location that causes the displacement of people—some of whom become refugees and others who become Internally Displaced...
A gravity analysis of refugee mobility using mobile phone data
This paper examines patterns of refugee mobility across provinces in Turkey using mobile phone data. Based on measures of mobility calculated from phone data, the authors use a standard gravity model to estimate the determinants of refugee movements. Gravity models...
The global cost of inclusive refugee education
An estimated 48 percent of school-age refugee children are out of school—an estimated 77 percent of refugee children attend primary school, 31 percent of refugee youth attend secondary education, and just 3 percent are able to access tertiary opportunities (compared...
The effect of refugees on native adolescents’ test scores: quasi-experimental evidence from PISA
This paper investigates the impact of Syrian refugees on the school performance of adolescent children in Turkey. Earlier research suggests that immigration may affect native children’s school performance through two main mechanisms that operate in opposite...
Localising public health: Refugee-led organizations as first and last responders in COVID-19
Organizations created and led by refugees themselves (‘refugee-led organizations’, RLOs) play an important role in meeting community needs. In particular, refugee-led social protection (activities designed to reduce poverty, vulnerability, or risk), provided by...
Give me your tired and your poor: Impact of a large-scale amnesty program for undocumented refugees
This article examines the labor market impacts of the Permiso Especial de Permanencia (PEP) granted to nearly half a million undocumented Venezuelans in Colombia in August 2018. PEP is a resident visa (renewable every two years) that permits the holder to work and to...