This is an example page. It's different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like...
Search Results
An e-learning course about using socioeconomic evidence in operational contexts.Our Vision Improved protection and wellbeing of forcibly displaced persons and those affected by forced displacement is achieved through coherent implementation of evidence-informed...
World Bank and UNHCR: Using open data to drive evidence-based responses to support refugees and their hosts
About 78% of refugees are displaced for more than five years, and the vast majority of them live in developing countries. This statistic alone shows why forced displacement is a complex development challenge as much as it is a humanitarian one.
Global data center poised to improve responses to displacement
Nearly 90 per cent of the displaced are living in the developing world, many trapped in protracted displacement situations. By June 2019, the Horn of Africa hosted over four million refugees and twice the same number of IDPs.
Who We Are
Who We Are The JDC offers different types of support and guidance to activity implementation teams. In most cases, this entails a combination of the following:• Financial investments covering full or partial costs of proposed activities as relevant;• Technical...
Zotero Test
Zotero Test
Data activities: Data collection, systems & standards
The JDC aims to improve the availability socioeconomic data and evidence on populations affected by forced displacement through a range of activities that improve the quality of data analysis and production.
ResourcesJDC Literature ReviewThe JDC publishes a regular literature review that summarizes recent publications and academic scholarship on issues related to forced displacement. The Literature Review Database contains all of the summaries to date and is searchable by...