JDC Literature Review

Results for: 2023
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The effects of refugees’ camps on hosting areas: Social conflicts and economic growth

This article investigates the effects of refugee camps on the occurrence of social conflicts and on economic growth in the Africa region. The authors investigate the effect of 140 refugees’ camps listed in the UNHCR Camp Mapping Database in 22 African countries, located within 100 km from a border. Most of the camps are in Ethiopia (26 camps), Sudan (22 camps), Chad (22 camps), South Sudan (9 camps), and Cameroon (9 camps).

The short-lived effects of unconditional cash transfers to refugees

This paper examines the effect of two large-scale cash transfer programs on the welfare of Syrian refugee households in Lebanon. Lebanon hosts approximately 1.5 million Syrian refugees. The authors quantify the effect of the multipurpose cash assistance program, which...

Economic Impact of Giving Land to Refugees

The authors examine the impact of giving refugees access to cultivable land on refugee and host community welfare in Uganda. Cultivable land is allotted randomly to refugees when they arrive in refugee settlements, provided idle land is available at the time of their arrival. On average, refugee households received a plot roughly 0.5 hectares in size.

Impact of Syrian Refugees on Male Immigrants’ Labor Market Outcomes in Jordan

This article examines whether the Syrian refugee inflow to Jordan has displaced other immigrant workers in the Jordanian labor market. Since the start of the Syrian war, more than 1.3 million Syrian refugees have settled in Jordan. At the same time, between 2004 and 2015, Jordan received an additional 1.6 million immigrants. Together, refugees and immigrants increased Jordan’s population by 45 percent.