JDC Literature Review

Results for: 2019
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Two and a Half Million Syrian Refugees, Tasks and Capital Intensity

This paper investigates how the rapid increase in the low-skilled labor supply in Turkey induced by the inflow of 2.5 million Syrian refugees changed the tasks performed by Turkish workers and the capital intensity of Turkish firms. Despite the unexpected nature of...

The Development Push of Refugees: Evidence from Tanzania

This paper assesses the long-term effects of temporary refugee inflows from Burundi (1993) and Rwanda (1994) on the welfare of the host population in Tanzania. The authors are particularly interested in whether the changes in the host economy after the departure of...

Private Sector & Refugees: Pathways to Scale

The development community is increasingly working to empower refugees as agents of their own lives and economic contributors, e.g. by providing skills training, offering employment or enabling access to financial products and services. Private sector actors are well...

Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) 2019

The 2019 Global Report on Internal Displacement presents global figures for internal displacement in 2018, including internal displacement due to conflict and violence. An estimated 3 million people were living in internal displacement as a result of conflict and...