JDC Literature Review

Results for: 2019
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Arrested Development: Conflict, Displacement, and Welfare in Iraq

In 2014, Iraq suffered two simultaneous crises: an economic crisis driven by a sharp decline in oil prices, and a security crisis caused by the war against the Islamic State. This paper provides the first estimates of monetary poverty and non-income dimensions of...

Labor Market Activities of Syrian Refugees in Turkey

As of December 2018, there were 3.7 million Syrian refugees registered in Turkey, a fifth of whom wish to remain in Turkey even after the conflict in Syria ends. This paper examines the factors associated with the economic integration of Syrian refugees in Turkey. The...

Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: A Spatial Study

Lebanon hosts the second largest population of Syrian refugees and has the highest per capita population of Syrian refugees in the world. This paper examines the spatial distribution of Syrian refugees across districts in Lebanon and investigates the factors that...

Jordan Vulnerability Assessment Framework Population Study 2019

The 2019 Vulnerability Assessment Framework (VAF) population study examines different dimensions of vulnerability across multiple sectors among a representative sample of registered Syrian refugees in Jordan, stratified by case size and governorate of displacement....

The Mobility of Displaced Syrians – An Economic and Social Analysis

This report analyzes the “mobility calculus” of Syrian refugees through: (a) a review of international experience to identify push/pull factors; (b) an assessment of the conditions faced by Syrians in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq as they relate to these push/pull...

Camp Settlement and Communal Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa

This article explores whether areas that host encamped refugees are more likely to experience communal conflict, and under what conditions? Past research indicates that settling refugees in camps can intensify inter-communal tension in host communities. (The paper...