JDC Literature Review

Results for: 2018
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Ethnic Inequality and Forced Displacement

This paper examines how inequality and ethnicity relate to victimization in ethnic conflicts, by studying forced displacement in Kyrgyzstan in 2010. Ethnic resentments and socio-economic grievances between the two largest ethnic groups, Kyrgyz and Uzbeks, were major...

Refugee Youth, Unemployment and Extremism: Countering the Myth

  Refugee youth unemployment has been linked to increased risk of extremism and/or exploitation because unemployed youth may be more likely to respond to financial incentives or be attracted by a sense of purpose or social identity. However, the authors’ research...

The Importance of Social Capital in Protracted Displacement

The authors argue that refugees can create ‘bonding’ and ‘bridging’ social capital even in situations of relative vulnerability. In Lebanon, refugees often choose to settle in locations where they have preexisting social networks (leading to strong ethnic/kinship...

Refugees’ Engagement with Host Economies in Uganda

This article discusses research on refugees’ economic lives and their interaction with host communities across four sites in Uganda: established refugee settlements in Kyangwali and Nakivale; the relatively new settlement in Rwamwanja; and the capital city of Kampala....