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Launch of the Dataset of World Refugee and Asylum Policies

Launch of the Dataset of World Refugee and Asylum Policies

The Dataset of World Refugee and Asylum Policies (DWRAP) is the first global dataset of de jure asylum and refugee policies. The online platform features data from 193 countries from 1952 to 2022, allowing users to track trends over time and across geographical...

Learning from the Evidence on Forced Displacement

Learning from the Evidence on Forced Displacement

This event marks the launch of the Learning from the Evidence on Forced Displacement e-learning course, a collaboration between Building the Evidence on Forced Displacement and the World Bank-UNHCR Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement to support the use of socioeconomic evidence in operational contexts.

Venezuelans in Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru

Venezuelans in Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru

DATA GUIDE   On May 13th, the World Bank-UNHCR Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement will host an online event on the report “Venezuelans in Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru”. We will present the surveys analysed and launch a data guide that demonstrate how...

Global Refugee Forum – Speakers’ Corner

Global Refugee Forum – Speakers’ Corner

There are now over 114m people forced to flee, but how much do we really know about them and their lives? Takaaki Masaki, Senior Economist, Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement launched a dashboard that captures all publicly available microdata on refugees at the...

Everybody Counts

Everybody Counts

Countries, alongside their humanitarian and development partners, are beginning to transform the data landscape on forced displacement by pursuing the systematic inclusion of forcibly displaced and stateless people in national statistics. In-line with the Global...

Desplazamiento y migración en América Latina y el Caribe

Desplazamiento y migración en América Latina y el Caribe

Una nota destacada producida por la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico, el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados sobre la  Integración socioeconómica de poblaciones desplazadas...

Forced displacement & migration in Latin America and the Caribbean

Forced displacement & migration in Latin America and the Caribbean

Hosted by the Inter American Development Bank this event launched two publications:Socio-economic Integration of Forcibly Displaced Populations in Latin America and the Caribbean A Spotlight Note produced by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development,...

JDC at the UNICEF Data Webinar Series

JDC at the UNICEF Data Webinar Series

Felix Schmieding, Senior Statistician at the World Bank – UNHCR Joint Data Center participated in the session Leaving no-one behind: Inclusion of forcibly displaced in national surveys and the SDG indicators.