News & Events
Past events
Desplazamiento y migración en América Latina y el Caribe
Una nota destacada producida por la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico, el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados sobre la Integración socioeconómica de poblaciones desplazadas...
Forced displacement & migration in Latin America and the Caribbean
Hosted by the Inter American Development Bank this event launched two publications:Socio-economic Integration of Forcibly Displaced Populations in Latin America and the Caribbean A Spotlight Note produced by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development,...
JDC at the UNICEF Data Webinar Series
Felix Schmieding, Senior Statistician at the World Bank – UNHCR Joint Data Center participated in the session Leaving no-one behind: Inclusion of forcibly displaced in national surveys and the SDG indicators.
Blogs and Special Features
Aligning humanitarian surveys with international statistical standards
Authored by Felix Schmieding "There are huge benefits to be gained from producing statistics that are familiar to, and usable by, governments and other development partners." When the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics published labour force statistics from its...
World Bank’s ongoing engagement through the Expert Group on Refugee and IDP Statistics (EGRIS)
Authored by Natalia Krynsky Baal, Emi Suzuki & Caroline SergeantPhoto:© UNHCR/John Wendle After a large increase in the mid-2010s, the number of refugees worldwide continues to break records. It was estimated that there were 26 million refugees worldwide in...
Data for what? Informing policymaking for forced displacement
Authored by Björn Gillsäter and Prof. Peter Kagwanja As we mark the World Statistics Day on October 20, 2020, the global displacement crisis is at its all-time high. Currently, one per cent of the world’s estimated 7.8 billion people are forcibly displaced...
Supporting evidence-driven responses to COVID-19
Authored by Domenico Tabasso The challenges of gathering data about displaced people and host communities are further complicated in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the need to assess the impact of the pandemic is also driving innovations in...
Global data center poised to improve responses to displacement
Nearly 90 per cent of the displaced are living in the developing world, many trapped in protracted displacement situations. By June 2019, the Horn of Africa hosted over four million refugees and twice the same number of IDPs.
World Bank and UNHCR: Using open data to drive evidence-based responses to support refugees and their hosts
About 78% of refugees are displaced for more than five years, and the vast majority of them live in developing countries. This statistic alone shows why forced displacement is a complex development challenge as much as it is a humanitarian one.