News & Events

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Past events

Launch of the Dataset of World Refugee and Asylum Policies

Launch of the Dataset of World Refugee and Asylum Policies

The Dataset of World Refugee and Asylum Policies (DWRAP) is the first global dataset of de jure asylum and refugee policies. The online platform features data from 193 countries from 1952 to 2022, allowing users to track trends over time and across geographical...

Learning from the Evidence on Forced Displacement

Learning from the Evidence on Forced Displacement

This event marks the launch of the Learning from the Evidence on Forced Displacement e-learning course, a collaboration between Building the Evidence on Forced Displacement and the World Bank-UNHCR Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement to support the use of socioeconomic evidence in operational contexts.

Blogs and Special Features

From Kenya to Kyrgyzstan: how data can help eliminate statelessness

From Kenya to Kyrgyzstan: how data can help eliminate statelessness

Authored by Maja Lazić , Head of the World Bank-UNHCR Joint Data Center on Forced DisplacementAgainst all odds, Nosizi (right), a stateless Shona living in Kenya, qualified and was accepted to study economics at the University of Nairobi after the institution made an...

People fleeing conflict don’t want aid – they want work

People fleeing conflict don’t want aid – they want work

An article by Björn Gillsäter, Head, World Bank-UNHCR Joint Data Center on Forced DisplacementGabriela Davila is a Venezuelan entrepreneur who arrived in Ecuador 5 years ago. She lives in Quito and, in her bakery, prepares colada morada and guaguas de pan, following...

If we invest in statistics, our dividend will be protection

If we invest in statistics, our dividend will be protection

Some 74% of forcibly displaced people are located in low- and middle-income countries, where investments in development programs and sound policy decisions are a foundation of a sustainable future. They are often the most marginalized population group in these countries.

JDC Newsletters

JDC Newsletter, February 2025

Countries like the Democratic Republic of Congo, Myanmar, Syria, and Somalia, which host large refugee populations, also benefit from the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) resources to promote economic development, raise living standards, and integrate displaced populations into sustainable socioeconomic systems.

JDC Data Update, December 2024

As the number of forcibly displaced people continues to rise, the contrast between returns and resettlement figures is striking and was presented at the 3ʳᵈ JDC Research Conference in September.

JDC Newsletter, November 2024

As the number of forcibly displaced people continues to rise, the contrast between returns and resettlement figures is striking and was presented at the 3ʳᵈ JDC Research Conference in September.

JDC Newsletter, October 2024

The right policy can foster social cohesion between host communities and forcibly displaced people While we often hear about the economic opportunities and challenges that come with displacement, of equal importance is the social environment that forcibly displaced...

JDC Newsletter, September 2024

Partnerships, data and policies are needed to address forced displacementLast week, in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, there wasn’t a single person present who didn’t feel the weight of the challenge posed by forced displacement.   More than one presenter referred to the...

JDC Newsletter, August 2024

Data, Dialogue and Development:The Crucial Role of Data in Addressing Forced Displacement in West and Central Africa.By Abdouraouf Gnon-Konde, Director of the Regional Bureau of UNHCR for West and Central Africa Next month, I will speak at the Joint Data Center’s 3rd...

JDC Newsletter, July 2024

Data rich and data poor - Within the same region, Bangladesh and Afghanistan are vastly different data contextsData on forced displacement in Bangladesh and Afghanistan typifies the characteristics of forced displacement data globally. Bangladesh hosts a large refugee...

JDC Newsletter, June 2024

Numbers of forcibly displaced are sky rocketing, who are the people behind the statistics?By the end of 2023, an estimated 117.3 million people worldwide were forcibly displaced – a number that has risen every year for the last twelve. Six months later, by June 2024,...

JDC Newsletter, May 2024

Making IDPs visible in national statistics: a step towards sustainable solutions That more than 100 million people around the globe are forcibly displaced is a known fact. What is often overlooked is that the vast majority of them are Internally Displaced People...

JDC Newsletter, April 2024

Celebrating and reflecting on the year past In April, millions of people across the world observed their major religious festivals – Eid al-Fitr and Easter. Both celebrations mark the end of a period of abstinence or fasting, which is also a time for reflection. The...

JDC Newsletter, March 2024

Amid conflict, insecurity, and climate change, East African countries are turning to data for solutionsFew countries have been more generous towards refugees than Uganda. Here, refugees have freedom of movement, the right to work and access to basic services. Uganda...

JDC Newsletter, February 2024

If the right policies are in place, Venezuelans can contribute a lot – socially and economically. Governments in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region estimate that around 7.7 million Venezuelans live outside their country. A single figure cannot convey the...

JDC Data Update, January 2024

As the number of forcibly displaced people continues to rise, the contrast between returns and resettlement figures is striking and was presented at the 3ʳᵈ JDC Research Conference in September.

JDC Newsletter, November 2023

Displacement and poverty – The consequences of conflict in the Central African RepublicConflict in the Central African Republic (CAR) has a long history. Although it escalated dramatically in 2012, it has abated since then. But it’s still horrific. People have been...

JDC Newsletter, December 2023

What I learned at the Global Refugee Forum - that data has impactI have just returned from Geneva where I was at the Global Refugee Forum – or the GRF. My main takeaway was that data is critical. It was the standout message from Taka Masaaki, a JDC Senior Economist,...