JDC Literature Review

Results for: Social Cohesion and Interactions with Host Communities
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Who Hosts? The Correlates of Hosting the Internally Displaced

This paper investigates the factors that motivate people to host internally displaced persons (IDPs) in their homes, focusing on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The DRC has experienced prolonged conflict, resulting in the internal displacement of 5.7 million people, equivalent to approximately 6 percent of the country’s population. 

Home, again: Refugee return and post-conflict violence in Burundi

This paper explores the connection between mass refugee return and the emergence of violence in post-conflict societies, by investigating the impact of mass refugee return to Burundi after the country’s 1993–2005 civil war. The author also considers how the experience of return migration affected individuals’ future behaviour, in the context of the 2015 electoral crisis in Burundi. 

Policy preferences in response to large forced migration inflows

This article examines public preferences for immigration policies in Colombia, and the extent to which humanitarian concerns matter for those preferences. Colombia hosts an estimated 2.5 million Venezuelan migrants, approximately 40 percent of the total number of Venezuelan migrants who were displaced between 2014 and 2023. Venezuelan migrants and Colombian natives share similar histories, as well as ethnolinguistic, social, and cultural features.