This paper analyzes the factors that influenced the early, voluntary, and unassisted return of Syrian refugees from Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq during a period of active conflict in Syria, between January 2011 and March 2018. The analysis is based on a novel dataset...
JDC Literature Review
Iraq’s Universal Public Distribution System: Utilization and Impacts During Displacement
This paper examines whether Iraq’s Public Distribution System, a universal food subsidy program, has mitigated the welfare loss of forcibly displaced households following the most recent wave of violence and displacement in 2014. The analysis is based on data from the...
“Tired of Running” Repeated Displacement and Premature Returns in South Sudan
As of December 2018, there were 1.9 million IDPs in South Sudan, and a further 2.3 million South Sudanese had sought refuge abroad. Despite the unstable situation, around 183,500 refugees had returned spontaneously to South Sudan by the end of June 2019. As many as...
Leaving, Staying or Coming Back? Migration Decisions During the Northern Mali Conflict
This paper makes use of high frequency panel data from mobile phone interviews to analyze: (a) the characteristics of refugees, IDPs, and returnees during the recent crisis in Northern Mali; (b) willingness of IDPs and refugees to return to their place of origin,...