This paper investigates the factors that motivate people to host internally displaced persons (IDPs) in their homes, focusing on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The DRC has experienced prolonged conflict, resulting in the internal displacement of 5.7 million people, equivalent to approximately 6 percent of the country’s population.
JDC Literature Review
How Social Networks Shape Refugee Movements in Wartime: Evidence from the Russian Attack on Ukraine
This article investigates the factors influencing the destination choices of Ukrainian refugees in the European Union (EU) between March and December 2022.
Cash transfers and micro-enterprise performance: Theory and quasi-experimental evidence from Kenya
This paper examines the business and price effects of cash-based assistance provided to refugees in Kenya.
Distributional impacts of cash transfers on the multidimensional poverty of refugees: The Emergency Social Safety Net in Turkey
This paper analyzes the impact of the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) cash program on the multidimensional poverty of refugees in Turkey.
Education and socioeconomic status as predictors of refugee mental health: insights from a study of Jordan-based Syrian refugee sample
This article investigates the mental health of Syrian refugees in Jordan and identifies the sociodemographic factors associated with mental distress. An estimated 1.4 million Syrian refugees live in Jordan.
The Making of a “Lost Generation”: Child Labor among Syrian Refugees in Turkey
This paper examines the factors contributing to child labor among Syrian refugees in Turkey. By the end of 2018, Turkey hosted 3.6 million Syrian refugees, including 1.6 million children under the age of 18, of which 1.1 million were of school age (5–17 years).
The economic lives of refugees
This article systematically compares 12 distinct refugee subpopulations living in seven refugee camps and three capital cities across Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia.
Identifying the COVID-19 Transmission Channels on Poverty and Food Security in Refugee-Hosting Districts of Uganda
This paper investigates the mechanisms through which COVID-19 affected poverty and food insecurity in refugee-hosting districts in Uganda. Uganda hosts the largest refugee population in Sub-Saharan Africa, with approximately 1.5 million refugees.
Malnutrition trends in Rohingya children aged 6–59 months residing in informal settlements in Cox’s Bazar District, Bangladesh: An analysis of cross-sectional, population-representative surveys
This paper estimates malnutrition rates among Rohingya refugee children in Bangladesh. Since April 2017, more than 700,000 Rohingya refugees have fled violence in Myanmar, settling in makeshift settlements in Cox’s Bazar District, Bangladesh.
Characterization of Vulnerability of Internally Displaced Persons in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger Using Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS)
This paper characterizes the vulnerabilities of IDPs in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger using respondent-driven sampling (RDS) techniques. The IDP population in the central Sahel region grew from around 1.1 million at the end of 2019 to over 2.6 million at the end of 2021. Burkina Faso has the largest and fastest-growing IDP population with nearly 1.6 million IDPs as of December 2021, followed by Mali (401,736) and Niger (264,257).