This article investigates the factors influencing the destination choices of Ukrainian refugees in the European Union (EU) between March and December 2022.
JDC Literature Review
South-south refugee movements: Do pull factors play a role?
This paper examines the impact of destination country characteristics on south-south refugee movements between 2004 and 2019.
Forced migration and local economic development: Evidence from postwar Hungary
This article investigates the effects of forced migration on sending economies, using the post-World War II expulsion of German minorities from Hungary as a natural experiment.
Forced Migration and Violent Crime: Evidence from The Venezuelan Exodus to Brazil
This paper examines the impact of Venezuelan forced migrants on crime in Brazil.
The mobility of displaced Syrians: An economic and social analysis
This report examines the voluntary movement of Syrian refugees in Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon, focusing on the economic and social factors that influence their decisions.
When do displaced persons return? Postwar migration among Christians in Mount Lebanon
This paper investigates postwar return migration among Lebanese Christians displaced during the Lebanese civil war (1975 – 1990).
Coping with Partition: Wealth, Security, and Migration in Post-Separation Sudan
This study investigates the migration decisions of Southern Sudanese residents of Khartoum following the 2011 referendum that led to the separation of South Sudan.
Promoting Labour Market Integration of Refugees with Trade Preferences: Beyond the EU-Jordan Compact
A new approach to refugee protection is gaining ground, which advocates for a shift from humanitarian assistance in camps towards a developmental model that encourages economic self-reliance and integration of refugees in countries of first asylum. This approach is...
Unpacking (and Re-Packing) the Refugees Compact Experiment: Lessons From Jordan Two Years On
The London Compact Agreements encapsulated host country commitments to integrate refugees into their labor markets, conditional upon significant increases in donor funding, concessional loans and market access. The refugee compacts represented a paradigm shift by (a)...
Learning from the Jordan Compact
At the 2016 donor conference in London, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey committed to improving economic opportunities for Syrian refugees; and Jordan announced a compact to provide 200,000 work permits for Syrian refugees. By January 2018, 80,000 work permits were...