JDC Literature Review

Results for: Integration, Inclusion and Social Cohesion
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Dynamic Effects of Co-Ethnic Networks on Immigrants’ Economic Success

This paper estimates the causal effect of co-ethnic networks on the economic success of immigrants in Germany. The analysis draws on longitudinal data of immigrants in Germany from the IAB-SOEP Migration Sample, a yearly survey of immigrants in Germany beginning in 2013, for individuals who are linked to IEB (Integrierten Erwerbsbiografien), the German social security archive that includes information on immigrants’ labor market history after arrival in Germany.

Child poverty among refugees

This article estimates the intra-household allocation of consumption in refugee settlements and surrounding communities in Kenya and Uganda, and examines the implications for child poverty. Uganda is the largest refugee hosting country in Africa, with more than 1.5 million refugees and asylum seekers as of June 2022. Kenya is the third-largest refugee-hosting country in Africa, after Uganda and Ethiopia, with over 555,000 refugees and asylum seekers as of June 2022.

Refugee mobilities in East Africa: understanding secondary movements

This article examines the mobility aspirations of refugees in Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia, and includes an in-depth analysis of the mobility patterns of refugees in Kenya. The research challenges common assumptions about refugee mobility, that: (1) most refugee secondary movements (the movement of refugees from the first country in which they arrive) are South-North; (2) refugee movements are predominantly irregular; (3) aspirations to move translate into actual movements; and (4) refugees who remain in regions of origin are largely immobile.

Macroeconomic volatility and anti-refugee violence in developing countries: Evidence from commodity price shocks

This paper examines the effect of macroeconomic volatility on anti-refugee violence in developing countries. The author focuses on exogenous commodity price shocks since commodity exports constitute a substantial share of national income for most developing countries and changes in world commodity prices are exogenous to each developing country. The analysis covers a sample of 98 low- and middle-income refugee-hosting countries between 1996 and 2015.

How do policy approaches affect refugee economic outcomes? Insights from studies of Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon

This paper examines how different policy environments in Jordan and Lebanon have shaped economic outcomes for Syrian refugees, with a focus on education, work, social assistance, and welfare outcomes. In Jordan, the population census identified 1.3 million Syrians living in the country, of whom around 650,000 are recorded as registered refugees by UNHCR. In Lebanon, the government estimates that Syrian refugees numbered 1.5 million in 2021, while UNHCR Lebanon reports 850,000 registered Syrian refugees.

Forced migration: evidence and policy challenges

This article presents a summary of Volume 38, Issue 3 of the Oxford Review of Economic Policy, which focuses on forced migration. The issue explores: (1) what are the mechanisms by which refugees should be managed, and what frameworks should be used for supporting them? (2) how can policy support the integration of refugees into host economies and what are the likely consequences of this integration? (3) how are host communities likely to respond to the influx of refugees, and how can policy help to smooth this transition? And (4) what role can policy play to encourage resilience among refugees and IDPs and support their return?

Do rights violations deter refugees?

This paper examines the effect of asylum policies on the number of asylum applications and refugee arrivals. Specifically, the author tests the “deterrence hypothesis” that enacting punitive measures reduces the number of asylum applications and refugee arrivals.