JDC Literature Review

Results for: Impact on the Labor Market and Firms
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Economic Transfers and Social Cohesion in a Refugee-Hosting Setting

This paper examines if a transfer program targeted to Colombian refugees and poor Ecuadorians in urban and peri-urban areas of northern Ecuador resulted in changes in measures of social cohesion. The program was a short-term cash, food, and voucher program paired with...

The Impact of Refugees on Employment and Wages in Jordan

According to the 2015 Population Census in Jordan, there were 1.3 million Syrians living in Jordan compared to a population of 6.6 million Jordanian citizens. Until 2016, Syrians were not officially permitted to work, although many found employment in the informal...

Integrating Venezuelans into the Colombian Labor Market

As of December 2018, Colombia hosted more than one million forced migrants who had fled the escalating economic, political and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. Colombia has embarked on a process of regularizing more than 442,000 eligible Venezuelan...

Impact of Syrian Refugees on Male Immigrants’ Labor Market Outcomes in Jordan

This article examines whether the Syrian refugee inflow to Jordan has displaced other immigrant workers in the Jordanian labor market. Since the start of the Syrian war, more than 1.3 million Syrian refugees have settled in Jordan. At the same time, between 2004 and 2015, Jordan received an additional 1.6 million immigrants. Together, refugees and immigrants increased Jordan’s population by 45 percent.