This paper estimates the environmental impact of the Mtendeli Refugee Camp in Tanzania.
JDC Literature Review
Promoting Recovery and Resilience for Internally Displaced Persons: Lessons from Colombia
This paper discusses the dynamics and consequences of internal displacement in Colombia, and the legal and policy responses to protect and assist IDPs. In 2020, Colombia had the largest population of IDPs in the world, estimated at 8.2 million people, equivalent to 16 percent of the Colombian population and 17 percent of IDPs worldwide.
25 years of progress on internal displacement 1998-2023
This report highlights examples of laws and policies introduced to address internal displacement and initiatives to prevent internal displacement, protect and support IDPs, and improve data on internal displacement. The report also presents IDMC’s Internal Displacement Index, a composite index to measure the coverage of laws and policies, and the institutional capacity to address internal displacement in 46 countries.
Reducing Protracted Internal Displacement: A Snapshot of Successful Humanitarian-Development Initiatives
This report presents examples of projects that enhance humanitarian-development cooperation in order to reduce the vulnerabilities of IDPs and host communities and work towards durable solutions. Projects were selected to cover a variety of internal displacement...