JDC Literature Review

Results for: Cash Transfers
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Evaluation of conditional cash transfers and mHealth audio messaging in reduction of risk factors for childhood malnutrition in internally displaced persons camps in Somalia: A 2 × 2 factorial cluster-randomised controlled trial

This paper presents the results of a randomized trial to estimate the effects of conditional cash transfers (CCTs) and mobile health (mHealth) audio messages in IDP camps near Mogadishu, Somalia. Specifically, the research examined whether conditionality in cash transfer programs and mHealth audio message improved health-seeking behavior and reduced risk factors for malnutrition.

The impact of cash transfers on Syrian refugee children in Lebanon

This paper evaluates the impact of a large-scale multi-purpose cash (MPC) transfer program on a sample of Syrian refugee children in Lebanon. Lebanon hosts an estimated 1.5 million Syrian refugees, over half of whom are children 18 years and younger. Since 2017, UNHCR...