The role of school functioning, physical activity, BMI, sex and age in building resilience among Ukrainian refugee children in Poland

Agata Korcz, Elżbieta Cieśla, and Piotr Urbański

Scientific Reports, Volume 14 (2024), Article number 5308 


This article examines the relationship between school functioning, physical activity (PA), sex, Body Mass Index (BMI), age, and resilience in Ukrainian refugee children in Poland. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, approximately 200,000 school-aged children and adolescents from Ukraine have enrolled in Polish schools.

The analysis is based on data collected in 2022 from 248 children aged 10–15 years. The study used the Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM-R) to assess resilience, selected questions from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) questionnaire to assess school adjustment, social support (peer, classmate, and teacher support), and bullying, and the Physical Activity Screening Measure to assess PA levels. Additional information was collected on body height and weight, BMI, and PA. Furthermore, data on the family environment, conflict-related experiences, return intentions, and social support were gathered. Multiple regression models were constructed to investigate the influence of various factors on resilience, with separate models for boys and girls. 

Main findings: 

  • For both boys and girls, high levels of teacher support and positive attitude to school (liking the school) were associated with resilience. 
  • For boys, support from peers was also significant factors for resilience. 
  • For girls, spending time on PA was significant for resilience, while higher BMI reduced their resilience. 

The findings suggest that school environment, including enjoyment of school and strong support from teachers, plays a significant role in building resilience in Ukrainian refugee children. PA enhanced the resilience of girls, whereas a higher BMI negatively impacted it. A child-friendly school environment that encourages PA and provides social support could be a promising approach for the mental health of Ukrainian refugee children.