JDC Literature Review

Results for: Literature Reviews
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Urban Planning for Refugee Housing: Responding to Urgent Needs

This article discusses how the city of Hamburg adjusted its urban planning policy to accommodate refugees, and the implications of their approach. The settlement of 82,000 refugees in Hamburg (a city of 1.8 million people) between 2015 and 2019 exacerbated an already...

Urban Response: Three Principles for Good Practice

This article summarizes the findings of a ‘Good Practice Review’, undertaken for ODI and ALNAP, which identifies three principles for good practice in urban humanitarian responses: Take the long-term view. Many short-term measures can have long-term impacts, e.g....

Urban Internal Displacement: Data and Evidence

This article discusses the challenges of collecting data on urban internal displacement, and how some of these challenges might be overcome. Key points: There is a persistent lack of accurate estimates of the scale of urban displacement. This reflects several...