JDC Literature Review
The JDC literature review contains summaries of recent publications and academic scholarship on issues relating to forced displacement.
Violence and the Formation of Hopelessness: Evidence from Internally Displaced Persons in Colombia
This paper explores whether violence diminishes expectations about future socioeconomic mobility and discusses the implications of this possible behavioral effect for poverty dynamics. The analysis is based on microdata collected from a sample of IDPs in Colombia on:...
Violence, Psychological Trauma, and Risk Attitudes: Evidence from Victims of Violence in Colombia
This article analyzes the effects of violence on risk attitudes, and explores whether violence affects poverty dynamics through a behavioral channel. The analysis is based on microdata data collected from a sample of IDPs in Colombia on: (a) the severity and temporal...
The Prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Maai Mahiu Camp in Nakuru County, Kenya
This study examines the prevalence of PTSD and associated socio-demographic factors among IDPs following the post-election violence in Kenya in 2007/8. During the post-election violence, many IDPs were exposed to overwhelming and distressing experiences, and were left...
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in FCV Situations
This note highlights best practices in designing, implementing and evaluating a project involving a mental health and psychosocial support component. It sets out the arguments for investing in mental health and psychosocial support in FCV situations, including the...
Determinants of Mental Disorders in Syrian Refugees in Turkey Versus Internally Displaced Persons in Syria
This article compares the frequencies of some mental health disorders between Syrian refugees living in Turkey and IDPs in Syria, and identifies factors associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depressive disorder. The authors carried out a...
Mechanisms of Change for Interventions Aimed at Improving the Wellbeing, Mental Health and Resilience of Children and Adolescents Affected by War and Armed Conflict: A Systematic Review of Reviews
Children and adolescents exposed to war, armed conflict or political violence have higher prevalence of psychiatric disorders, e.g. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, depression and anxiety. They also experience cognitive, emotional and behavioral impacts, such as...
Peace Education and Psychosocial Support for Social Cohesion
Conflict has extensive psychological impacts on refugees, particularly youth and children, which are exacerbated by the “daily stressors of displacement, poverty, lack of resources and services to meet basic needs, risks of violence and exploitation, discrimination...
Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in FCV Situations
Many FCV countries now have higher mortality due to NCDs than communicable, maternal, perinatal and nutrition related conditions, due to changing disease epidemiology. This note highlights best practices in designing, implementing and evaluating a project that...
The Macro-Economic Impacts of Syrian Refugee Aid
This article describes a recent study of the macroeconomic impact of humanitarian assistance in response to the Syrian crisis, which finds significant positive impacts for economic growth and job creation in the region. The core response of the international community...
Governance of the Global Refugee Regime
The authors argue that the global refugee regime, distinct from its component organizations, lacks a clearly defined system of governance due to: diffuse governance arrangements; conflation of governance of the regime with governance of UNHCR; and lack of effective...