JDC Literature Review

The JDC literature review contains summaries of recent publications and academic scholarship on issues relating to forced displacement.

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Assessment of the environmental impacts of conflict-driven Internally Displaced Persons: A sentinel-2 satellite based analysis of land use/cover changes in the Kas locality, Darfur, Sudan

This study examines the effects of settlements of internally displaced persons (IDPs) on vegetation cover in the Kas locality of Darfur, Sudan. The Kas locality is in the South Darfur state, around 86 kilometers northwest of the state capital, Nyala. The estimated population of IDPs in the Kas locality increased from between 35,000 to 40,000 in 2004 to more than 77,000 by 2020.

Refugees and the education of host populations: Evidence from the Syrian inflow to Jordan

This paper examines the effect of Syrian refugees on the educational outcomes of Jordanian students. The focus is on the period after the mass arrival of Syrian refugees in Jordan, which began in early 2013. The government of Jordan allowed most school-age Syrians to attend public schools, resulting in Syrian students comprising approximately 7 percent of the total population in Jordanian public schools.

Labour market and redistributive consequences of the Syrian refugees in Turkey

This paper examines the impact of Syrian refugees on the labor market outcomes of Turkish nationals and how these effects are distributed across workers and regions. Prior to 2016, Syrian refugees did not have work permits and predominantly worked in the informal labor market, particularly in low-wage, labor-intensive sectors such as construction and agriculture. Even after work permits became available, they were limited in practice.