JDC Literature Review
The JDC literature review contains summaries of recent publications and academic scholarship on issues relating to forced displacement.
COVID-19 and the Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh: The Challenges and Recommendations
This short article describes the current challenges facing Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and suggests possible prevention measures to avoid COVID-19 outbreaks in these vulnerable areas. The authors identify the following challenges: (a) the difficulty of...
Prevalence of COVID-19 symptoms, risk factors, and health behaviors in host and refugee
This paper examines the prevalence of COVID-19 symptoms and associated risk factors in Rohingya refugee camps and host communities in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. The analysis draws on a phone‐based survey conducted in April 2020 with a sample of 899 households. The...
Syrian Refugees: Thinking Beyond Gender Stereotypes
The dominant gender narratives among NGOs responding to the Syrian refugee crisis are based on simplistic notions of the ‘traditional’ Syrian household and power dynamics. NGOs typically focus on deviations from ‘traditional’ gender roles once refugees are...
Persistence and Change in Marriage Practices Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan
This paper examines changes in marriage practices among Syrian refugees in Jordan, including age at marriage and early marriage. The analysis is based on nationally representative survey data from Jordan in 2016 (JLMPS) and Syria in 2009 (PAPFAM), as well as...
Making Sense of Child, Early and Forced Marriage among Syrian Refugee Girls: A Mixed Methods Study in Lebanon
Although child marriage did occur in Syria before the war (13 percent of girls under 18 married in 2006), forced displacement appears to have increased its prevalence (around 35 percent of Syrian refugee girls/women married before the age of 18). Using a mixed methods...
Marriage and Fertility Patterns among Jordanians and Syrian Refugees in Jordan
This paper examines changes in marriage and fertility outcomes among Jordanians and Syrian refugees in Jordan. The analysis is based on the Jordan Labor Market Panel Surveys (JLMPS) of 2010 and 2016. Where possible, the authors compare outcomes for Syrian refugees in...
Child Marriage in Jordan: Breaking the Cycle
Protracted Syrian displacement is exacerbating pre-existing drivers of child marriage (gender inequality, poverty, lack of opportunities for girls). Child marriage increases the risk of dropping out of school, early pregnancy, reproductive health issues, social...
Local Constructions of Gender-based Violence amongst IDPs in Northern Uganda
An assessment of prevalence of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in IDP camps in Northern Uganda found that 50 percent of women reported experiencing some form of violence in the previous year, 40 percent reported forced sex with an intimate partner and 5 percent reported...
Addressing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in FCV Situations
This note highlights best practices in designing, implementing and evaluating a project addressing GBV. It makes the case for focusing on GBV in FCV situations, noting the high prevalence of GBV and its long-term consequences (e.g. low birth weight babies, higher...
Caring for Male and LGBTI Sexual Violence Survivors: Learning from Local Organisations
Awareness of the vulnerabilities of boys and men and of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) individuals to sexual violence has increased among humanitarian actors responding to the Syrian crisis, however targeted services remain scarce....