JDC Literature Review
The JDC literature review contains summaries of recent publications and academic scholarship on issues relating to forced displacement.
An Audit of Healthcare Provision in Internally Displaced Population Camps in Nigeria
The objectives of this study were to assess camp conditions in IDP camp-like settings in Nigeria; and to evaluate if their management and organization met international Standards (Sphere minimum standards), with a specific focus on health impact. Data was collected in...
The Neglected Health Needs of Older Syrian Refugees in Jordan
Older refugees are often a neglected population, particularly when it comes to health. In Jordan, an estimated 77 percent of Syrian refugees over age 60 have specific needs related to mobility, nutrition and health care, and more than half suffer from psychological...
Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Complex Humanitarian Crises
Populations affected by humanitarian crises are expected to be particularly susceptible to COVID-19 due to displacement, crowded housing, malnutrition, inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) tools, and stigmatization. These settings lack the infrastructure,...
Refugee and Migrant Health in the COVID-19 Response
This article identifies implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for refugees and migrants due to: (a) suspension of resettlement travel for refugees; (b) restrictions on population movements leading to potential refoulement of asylum seekers; (c) local transmission in...
The World’s Largest Refugee Camp Prepares for COVID-19
Over 855 000 Rohingya refugees from Myanmar have fled to Cox’s Bazar, the second poorest district in Bangladesh. This article describes efforts to prepare for COVID-19 in refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Establishing measures to protect refugees from COVID-19...
COVID-19: Projecting the Impact in Rohingya Refugee Camps and Beyond
An epidemic of COVID-19 in refugee settings with high population densities, poor access to water and sanitation, poor baseline health status, limited ability to isolate infected individuals, and inadequate capacity to surge health infrastructure and workforce could...
COVID-19 Control in Low-income Settings and Displaced Populations: What Can Realistically Be Done?
The impact of COVID-19 on people living in low-income and crisis affected settings could be more severe than in high-income countries due to: (a) higher transmissibility due to larger household sizes, intense social mixing between the young and elderly, overcrowding,...
Violence and the Formation of Hopelessness: Evidence from Internally Displaced Persons in Colombia
This paper explores whether violence diminishes expectations about future socioeconomic mobility and discusses the implications of this possible behavioral effect for poverty dynamics. The analysis is based on microdata collected from a sample of IDPs in Colombia on:...
Violence, Psychological Trauma, and Risk Attitudes: Evidence from Victims of Violence in Colombia
This article analyzes the effects of violence on risk attitudes, and explores whether violence affects poverty dynamics through a behavioral channel. The analysis is based on microdata data collected from a sample of IDPs in Colombia on: (a) the severity and temporal...
The Prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Maai Mahiu Camp in Nakuru County, Kenya
This study examines the prevalence of PTSD and associated socio-demographic factors among IDPs following the post-election violence in Kenya in 2007/8. During the post-election violence, many IDPs were exposed to overwhelming and distressing experiences, and were left...