JDC Literature Review
The JDC literature review contains summaries of recent publications and academic scholarship on issues relating to forced displacement.
Does Exposure to the Refugee Crisis Make Natives More Hostile?
This paper examines the impact of the 2015/16 refugee crisis on residents’ attitudes, policy preferences, and political engagement in Greece. The authors exploit a natural experiment in which: (a) distance to the Turkish coast causes dramatic variation in the number...
Violence, displacement, contact, and attitudes toward hosting refugees
This article examines whether an individual’s personal exposure to violence, personal experience of being displaced, and recent contact with refugees influence their attitudes towards hosting refugees. The authors draw on a 2017 survey of 2,400 Lebanese residents,...
Americans preferred Syrian refugees who are female, English-speaking, and Christian on the eve of Donald Trump’s election
This paper examines Americans stated preferences for the types of refugees that should be admitted into the United States (US). The analysis focuses on Syrian refugees, since Syrians account for a large proportion of registered refugees globally, and include both...
From welcome culture to welcome limits? Uncovering preference changes over time for sheltering refugees in Germany
This paper explores the acceptance of refugee and migrant homes in citizens’ neighborhoods in Germany and how attitudes change over time. The analysis is based on responses to a ‘stated choice experiment’, where respondents were asked to consider different attributes...
How Do Gender Norms Shape Education and Domestic Work Outcomes? The Case of Syrian Refugee Adolescents in Jordan
This paper examines how gender norms shape the lives Syrian refugee adolescent girls in Jordan. The authors consider four components of gender norms: (1) personal gender role attitudes; (2) personal gendered behaviors; (3) community gender role attitudes; and (4)...
German public opinion on admitting refugees
This paper discusses German public attitudes to admitting refugees. The paper presents descriptive statistics from the Barometer of Public Opinion on Refugees in Germany, which is a representative survey of around 2,000 German residents in March 2016. Main findings:...
How economic, humanitarian, and religious concerns shape European attitudes toward asylum seekers
This article examines the impact of different asylum seeker attributes on public support for granting asylum in Europe. The analysis is based on an online survey of 18,000 eligible voters in 15 European countries. The respondents were asked to evaluate different...
Conflict, Displacement and Overlapping Vulnerabilities: Understanding Risk Factors for Gender based Violence among Displaced Women in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
This paper examines how displacement and conflict-related abuses are associated with intimate partner violence (IPV) and sexual violence towards women in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The analysis draws on data from a large survey conducted for the...
Do Gender Norms Become Less Traditional with Displacement? The Case of Colombia
Between 1997 and 2018, more than 6 million people in Colombia were forcibly displaced, affecting 90 percent of the country’s municipalities. This paper examines the effect of internal displacement on gender norms in Colombia, including norms relating to reproductive...
Altered social trajectories and risks of violence among young Syrian women seeking refuge in Turkey: a qualitative study
This paper examines the risks of gender-based violence against Syrian adolescent girls and young women in Izmir, Turkey and how these risks were shaped by their displacement. By the end of 2017, Turkey hosted an estimated 3.4 million Syrian refugees, of whom...