JDC Literature Review
The JDC literature review contains summaries of recent publications and academic scholarship on issues relating to forced displacement.
What is the impact of forced displacement on health? A scoping review
This paper reviews the main challenges faced by applied researchers to produce unbiased causal estimates of the effects of forced displacement on health. The authors sought to answer the following question: “What are the analytical challenges faced by current...
Refugee migration and the labour market: lessons from 40 years of post-arrival policies in Denmark
This paper examines the long-term effects of immigration and integration policies on refugees’ labor market outcomes in Denmark. The analysis is based on a review of 17 empirical studies. More than 155,000 individuals were granted protection in Denmark between 1984...
Habit Formation and the Misallocation of Labor: Evidence from Forced Migrations
This paper examines the long-term effects of large-scale forced displacement in Finland in the mid-20th century. The authors exploit the large-scale population resettlement of 430,000 people (11 percent of the population) following the cession of Finland’s eastern...
Development level of hosting areas and the impact of refugees on natives’ labor market outcomes in Turkey
This article examines how the impact of large inflows of Syrian refugees on natives’ labor market outcomes varies with the development level of hosting regions in Türkiye. Türkiye is the largest host of Syrian refugees, who number 3.6 million and account for 4.4...
Improving official statistics on stateless people: Challenges, solutions, and the road ahead
This article discusses the statistical challenges associated with improving data on statelessness and proposes a path towards the adoption of the International Recommendations on Statelessness Statistics (IROSS) in 2023.[1] Work on the IROSS was included under the...
Status of the stateless population in Thailand: How does stigma matter in their life?
This article examines the experience of stateless people in Thailand and how they overcome the problem of stigma. In 2020, there were 480,000 people in Thailand classified as stateless. They are individuals who migrated from neighboring countries and who settled...
Statelessness in Protracted Refugee Situations: Former Angolan and Rwandan Refugees in Zambia
This article discusses the risk of statelessness in protracted refugee situations, focusing on the case of former Angolan and Rwandan refugees in Zambia. The author argues that once refugee status is withdrawn through a cessation agreement, former refugees may find...
Forced Displacement and the Crisis of Citizenship in Africa’s Great Lakes Region: Rethinking Refugee Protection and Durable Solutions
This article discusses the relationship between citizenship, belonging and displacement in Africa’s Great Lakes region, and how citizenship and exclusion affect the creation, experience, and resolution of displacement. Apart from Tanzania, all countries in the region...
The freedom to choose: Theory and quasi-experimental evidence on cash transfer restrictions
This paper studies the effect of cash transfer restrictions on the welfare of recipients in the Kalobeyei refugee settlement in Kenya, a context in which restrictions matter because cash transfers are extra-marginal (they are greater than the amount a household would...
Cash-like vouchers improve psychological well-being of vulnerable and displaced persons fleeing armed conflict
This paper assesses the effectiveness of the United Nations’ Rapid Response to Movements of Population (RRMP) program, the largest humanitarian assistance program targeting vulnerable displaced, returnee and host households in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo....