JDC Literature Review

The JDC literature review contains summaries of recent publications and academic scholarship on issues relating to forced displacement.

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Forced migration: evidence and policy challenges

This article presents a summary of Volume 38, Issue 3 of the Oxford Review of Economic Policy, which focuses on forced migration. The issue explores: (1) what are the mechanisms by which refugees should be managed, and what frameworks should be used for supporting them? (2) how can policy support the integration of refugees into host economies and what are the likely consequences of this integration? (3) how are host communities likely to respond to the influx of refugees, and how can policy help to smooth this transition? And (4) what role can policy play to encourage resilience among refugees and IDPs and support their return?

Do rights violations deter refugees?

This paper examines the effect of asylum policies on the number of asylum applications and refugee arrivals. Specifically, the author tests the “deterrence hypothesis” that enacting punitive measures reduces the number of asylum applications and refugee arrivals.

Older Refugees and Internally Displaced People in African Countries: Findings from a Scoping Review of Literature

This paper summarizes the peer-reviewed published research on older refugees and IDPs in Africa. The authors synthesize the main findings from this literature and compare it to the knowledge base in other regions. According to UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), people aged 60 years and older make up 4 percent of refugees and asylum-seekers and 6 percent of IDPs worldwide. According to UNHCR data, more than 400,000 displaced persons in Africa were aged 60 years and older in 2019.

LIVING ON THE MARGINS: The Socio-spatial Representation of Urban Internally Displaced Persons in Ethiopia

This article analyzes the multidimensional aspects of urban marginality of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ethiopia. According to IDMC, Ethiopia had more than five million IDPs at the end of 2021. The authors consider three aspects of urban marginality: (1) spatial marginality (physical distance and segregation); (2) social marginality (relations with other urban residents and the city); and (3) symbolic marginality (stigma).

Use of an adapted participatory learning and action cycle to increase knowledge and uptake of child vaccination in internally displaced persons camps (IVACS): A cluster-randomised controlled trial

This article presents the results of a randomized cluster trial in internally IDP camps in Somalia to estimate the effects of an adapted Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) approach on knowledge and uptake of child vaccinations. The PLA approach is based on social empowerment to address health issues, whereby teachers and students exchange ideas and experiences, and implement a cycle of learning, action, and reflection.

Evaluation of conditional cash transfers and mHealth audio messaging in reduction of risk factors for childhood malnutrition in internally displaced persons camps in Somalia: A 2 × 2 factorial cluster-randomised controlled trial

This paper presents the results of a randomized trial to estimate the effects of conditional cash transfers (CCTs) and mobile health (mHealth) audio messages in IDP camps near Mogadishu, Somalia. Specifically, the research examined whether conditionality in cash transfer programs and mHealth audio message improved health-seeking behavior and reduced risk factors for malnutrition.

A post-traumatic stress disorder among internally displaced people in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review

This article reviews the evidence on the prevalence and determinants of post-traumatic stress disorders among internally displaced people in sub-Saharan Africa. The review covers studies in English published up to June 2023 that estimate the prevalence of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) in sub-Saharan Africa. The authors identified 11 studies that meet the inclusion criteria. The studies covered over 11,000 participants from 14 sub-Saharan African countries including Nigeria (4 studies), Ethiopia (3 studies), Sudan (3 studies), Somalia, the Central African Republic, Uganda, and Kenya.