Countries, alongside their humanitarian and development partners, are beginning to transform the data landscape on forced displacement by pursuing the systematic inclusion of forcibly displaced and stateless people in national statistics. In-line with the Global Compact on Refugees and the commitment to “leave no-one behind” made in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, these efforts aim to produce data that informs and helps implement national policies, operations and development programs to improve the lives of refugees, IDPs, stateless persons and their host communities.
This event aimed to share experiences from countries that include forcibly displaced people in national statistics, highlighting the importance of this pledge in the successful implementation of the GCR and was moderated by Xavier de Victor, Co-director, World Development Report.

Ib Petersen
Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Denmark to the United Nations

Erica Gerretsen
Director, Human development, migration governance & Peace - DG International Partnerships, European Commission

Dante Carhuavilca
Head, Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática, Peru

Felipe Muñoz Gomez
Migration Unit Chief, Inter American Development Bank

Baradine Zakaria Moursal
Director General, Institut National de la Statistique, des Etudes Economiques et Démographiques, Chad
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