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Refugees in Lebanon

Inclusion of Syrian refugees in Lebanon’s Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS).

Refugees in Moldova

This study will conduct a quantitative assessment based on a sample-based household survey, backed by qualitative research and informed by innovative data sources.

Venezuelans in Peru

The National Statistics Office (INEI) in Peru will include a sample of Venezuelans in the National Household Survey.

Enhancing UNHCR’s analytical capacity

As more data becomes available in areas affected by forced displacement, UNHCR is scaling up its capacity to analyze and use socioeconomic data. For this, the JDC provides funds to hire new economists.

UNHCR’s Microdata Library

This project aims to provide technical support from the World Bank so that content on forced displacement from the Bank’s microdata library can be shared on UNHCR’s microdata library.

Statistical Standards for Statelessness

Ensuring that statistical producers worldwide use the same definitions and approaches when capturing statelessness, by supporting EGRISS to develop international recommendations on statelessness statistics, for adoption by the UN Statistical Commission.

UNHCR Forced Displacement Survey

Three pilot surveys, in Cameroon, Pakistan and South Sudan of the Forced Displacement Survey, the first-of-its-kind survey programme will produce data on refugees that is multi-sectoral, comparable across countries, and fully aligned with international measurement standards.