Data Collection and Surveys

JDC aims to foster and produce quality socioeconomic data and analysis to improve development policy and humanitarian response.

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Forcibly Displaced People in West and Central Africa

The inclusion of refugees, internally displaced people and asylum seekers in the Enquête Harmonisée sur le Conditions de Vie des Ménages in Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Central African Republic, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Niger, Mali, and Togo, and the inclusion of these populations in national household surveys in Mauritania and Cameroon.

Internally Displaced People in Mali

Inclusion of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Mali’s Household Living Conditions Survey to collect data on their socioeconomic status and inform targeted poverty reduction policies and support for both IDPs and host communities.

Refugees in Malawi

Incorporating forcibly displaced persons into the Demographic and Health Survey (2024) and the Integrated Household Survey (2024/25).

Refugees in Lebanon

Inclusion of Syrian refugees in Lebanon’s Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS).

Refugees in Moldova

This study will conduct a quantitative assessment based on a sample-based household survey, backed by qualitative research and informed by innovative data sources.

Venezuelans in Peru

The National Statistics Office (INEI) in Peru will include a sample of Venezuelans in the National Household Survey.

Enhancing UNHCR’s analytical capacity

As more data becomes available in areas affected by forced displacement, UNHCR is scaling up its capacity to analyze and use socioeconomic data. For this, the JDC provides funds to hire new economists.