This article investigates the factors influencing the destination choices of Ukrainian refugees in the European Union (EU) between March and December 2022.
JDC Literature Review
The role of school functioning, physical activity, BMI, sex and age in building resilience among Ukrainian refugee children in Poland
This article examines the relationship between school functioning, physical activity (PA), sex, Body Mass Index (BMI), age, and resilience in Ukrainian refugee children in Poland. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, approximately 200,000 school-aged children and adolescents from Ukraine have enrolled in Polish schools.
Global Report on Internal Displacement 2023: Internal Displacement and Food Insecurity
The 2023 Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) presents global figures for internal displacement due to conflict and violence and disasters. This year’s report also includes a special section on the intersecting dynamics and consequences of displacement and food insecurity.
Mapping of nighttime light trends and refugee population changes in Ukraine during the Russian–Ukrainian War
This study uses nighttime light measurements to quantify changes in nighttime lighting and the refugee population in Ukraine before and after Russia’s invasion. The authors also evaluate the effectiveness of these new methods for estimating refugee population changes during the war.
Nowcasting Daily Population Displacement in Ukraine through Social Media Advertising Data
The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 triggered the rapid displacement of millions of refugees into neighboring countries and the displacement of millions of Ukrainians within the country. In conflict and crisis situations such as this one, representative survey data quickly become outdated, primary data collection is challenging if not impossible, and the dynamic nature of population changes requires high-frequency measurement not suited to traditional data gathering techniques.
Breaking the Impasse: Reducing Protracted Internal Displacement as a Collective Outcome
This study describes the impact of protracted internal displacement and proposes steps to address internal displacement where durable solutions remain elusive. This analysis draws on case studies of protracted internal displacement in Colombia, the Democratic Republic...
Reducing Protracted Internal Displacement: A Snapshot of Successful Humanitarian-Development Initiatives
This report presents examples of projects that enhance humanitarian-development cooperation in order to reduce the vulnerabilities of IDPs and host communities and work towards durable solutions. Projects were selected to cover a variety of internal displacement...
Urban Planning in Times of Displacement: Secondary Cities in Ukraine and Niger
Urban displacement can have a significant impact on secondary towns and cities, as demonstrated by the experiences of municipalities in southeastern Niger and eastern Ukraine. In both cases, local authorities struggle to respond to the increased demand for public...