JDC Literature Review

Results for: Syria
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Predicting Forced Population Displacement Using News Article

This paper proposes an approach for analyzing a collection of news articles to extract ‘signals of violence’, which can be used in prediction models to forecast forced displacement. The authors test their proposed approach using news articles drawn from the Expanded...

Violence and the Perception of Risk Associated with Hosting Refugees

This paper examines whether individuals’ experiences of political violence affect their perceptions regarding the risk associated with hosting refugees. The authors focus on recent exposure to violence within Lebanon, which hosts more than one million Syrian refugees....

The Gig Economy in Complex Refugee Situations

This article explores the challenges and opportunities presented by the gig economy for Syrian refugees in Jordan. Research with Syrian female refugees in Jordan suggests that, despite significant challenges, the gig economy (where workers and purchasers of their...

Integrating Refugees into the Turkish Labour Market

Turkey hosts nearly 3.3 million registered refugees, mostly from Syria, concentrated in provinces with lower labor force participation and higher unemployment rates than the national average. In 2016 the Turkish government passed a regulation to allow Syrian refugees...

Quality of Work for Syrian Refugees in Jordan

Over 100,000 work permits have been issues to Syrian refugees in Jordan as of May 2018, providing an indicator of formalization of employment but not necessarily job creation nor quality of work. This article makes the case that obtaining a work permit is only the...

Labor Market Activities of Syrian Refugees in Turkey

As of December 2018, there were 3.7 million Syrian refugees registered in Turkey, a fifth of whom wish to remain in Turkey even after the conflict in Syria ends. This paper examines the factors associated with the economic integration of Syrian refugees in Turkey. The...

Syrian Refugees: Limited Participation in Jordan’s Labour Force

This article discusses the reasons for the low labour force participation among Syrian refugees in Jordan; 77 percent of Syrian refugees are out of the labor force. Working illegally and informally remains common among Syrian refugees in Jordan, despite the work...