JDC Literature Review

Results for: DRC
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Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2023

The 2024 Global Trends report presents the most recent official statistics on refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced persons (IDPs), stateless people, and returned refugees for the year 2023. The data included in the report is sourced from governments, non-governmental organizations, and UNHCR.

Refugees and Host Communities in the Rwandan Labour Market

This article highlights findings from household surveys of Congolese refugees in three of the largest refugee camps in Rwanda (Gihembe, Kiziba and Kigeme) and of locals living nearby. The authors find that although Congolese refugees officially have the right to work,...

Strengthening Education Systems for Long-Term Education Responses

Street Child’s implementation of Education in Emergency (EiE) programs in Lusenda refugee camp in eastern DRC and in communities hosting IDPs in northeastern Nigeria demonstrate how the building blocks for long-term improvements in education can be laid in the...