This paper examines the impact of destination country characteristics on south-south refugee movements between 2004 and 2019.
JDC Literature Review
Life Out of the Shadows: The Impacts of Regularization Programs on the Lives of Forced Migrants
This paper investigates the well-being effects of a regularization program in Colombia designed to facilitate the social and economic integration of Venezuelan forced migrants.
The desire to return during civil war: Evidence for internally displaced populations in Colombia
This paper investigates the determinants of the desire to return for internally displaced households in Colombia.
Social Cohesion, Economic Security, and Forced displacement in the Long-run: Evidence From Rural Colombia
This paper investigates the long-term impacts of displacement on the welfare, risk attitudes, social cohesion, and trust in state institutions among internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Colombia.
Immigration and occupational downgrading in Colombia
This paper investigates the impact of Venezuelan migration on the Colombian labor market, focusing on the phenomenon of occupational downgrading.
Global Report on Internal Displacement 2023: Internal Displacement and Food Insecurity
The 2023 Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) presents global figures for internal displacement due to conflict and violence and disasters. This year’s report also includes a special section on the intersecting dynamics and consequences of displacement and food insecurity.
Heterogeneous Effects of Forced Migration on the Female Labor Market: The Venezuelan Exodus in Colombia
This paper examines the impact of large-scale Venezuelan migration on the female labor market in Colombia. More than 1.5 million Venezuelans migrated to Colombia in the period 2016–2019 due to the economic and social crises in Venezuela. The analysis is based on data from the Colombian household survey for the period 2013–2019. The authors exploit the variation in the concentration of Venezuelans across Colombian departments over time. They consider the non-random settlement of Venezuelans across Columbian departments by modeling (using an instrumental variables approach) the share of people living in each state of Venezuela in 2011 (before the Venezuelan exodus) and the distance between those states and the departments of Colombia.
Promoting Recovery and Resilience for Internally Displaced Persons: Lessons from Colombia
This paper discusses the dynamics and consequences of internal displacement in Colombia, and the legal and policy responses to protect and assist IDPs. In 2020, Colombia had the largest population of IDPs in the world, estimated at 8.2 million people, equivalent to 16 percent of the Colombian population and 17 percent of IDPs worldwide.
Regional Spillovers from the Venezuelan Crisis: Migration Flows and Their Impact on Latin America and the Caribbean
This paper evaluates the economic impacts of Venezuelan migrants on host countries and the implications for future policy responses. Since August 2022, nearly 7 million Venezuelans (23 percent of the population) have fled their country due to economic collapse (a contraction of over 75 percent of real GDP), deteriorating basic services, and insecurity.
Monitoring of the Venezuelan exodus through Facebook’s advertising platform
This article evaluates the use of Facebook’s advertising platform to estimate numbers of Venezuelan migrants, including their spatial distribution in Latin America and socioeconomic profiles.