This paper examines the impact of Venezuelan forced migrants on crime in Brazil.
JDC Literature Review
Monitoring of the Venezuelan exodus through Facebook’s advertising platform
This article evaluates the use of Facebook’s advertising platform to estimate numbers of Venezuelan migrants, including their spatial distribution in Latin America and socioeconomic profiles.
Refugee Inflow and Labor Market Outcomes in Brazil: Evidence from the Venezuelan Exodus
This article examines the effect of Venezuelan migrants on labor market outcomes in the Brazilian state of Roraima. Venezuelan migrants in Brazil are concentrated in Roraima state, which shares a border with Venezuela. As of 2018, 60,000 Venezuelans had relocated to Roraima, where they comprised 10 percent of the population of its capital city, Boa Vista.
Integration of Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants in Brazil
Brazil is hosting over 260,000 Venezuelans as of the second quarter of 2020. The majority of Venezuelan refugees and migrants enter and settle in the northern localities of Roraima (50 percent) and Amazonas (19 percent) bordering Venezuela. Brazil’s legal framework...
How Are Forcibly Displaced People Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak? Evidence From Brazil
This article examines how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected forcibly displaced people in Brazil, by considering their intersectional multiple identities. Intersectionality refers to the multiple, overlapping social identities of an individual (such as gender, social...