Forced Displacement Data Update
The World Bank-UNHCR Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement has compiled publications, research and data that it has supported to ensure that you have the latest knowledge on refugees, internally displaced people and their host communities from us.
Central African Republic
The first ever poverty assessment in the Central African Republic also includes internally displaced people within the country.
📝 Report
Microdata – Explore all of the datasets with a representative sample of refugees and IDPs.
Geospatial Data – Improving geospatial data on forced displacement in Chad and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Literature review – Summaries of recent socioeconomic research on forced displacement.
UNHCR & World Bank microdata library collector: a weekly updated compilation of all datasets available in both microdata libraries.
Forced Displacement Microdata: explore all of the datasets with a representative sample of refugees and internally displaced people.
Latest literature
29 new datasets were released on the UNHCR Microdata Library from October to December 2023 covering: